Acute care

As we approach the summer most people are thinking of summer vacations and enjoying time off. However, before that point most students face finals exams. There may be annual assessments or higher level standardized tests to face. This can cause quite a bit of stress as future school entrances or graduation may depend on success. Some anxiety may be eased by practice, meditation and tutoring. This article illuminates the struggles that kids suffering from high anxiety may experience: In addition to practical tips on studying productively, sleep and diet tips and relaxation - homeopathy can help! Here are three common remedies that ease test anxiety: Gelsemium: This remedy works well when your reaction to stress is to freeze. You cannot think through problems, feeling like a rabbit in the headlights. Argentum nitricum: This remedy is the most common one for test anxiety. Rapid repetitive thoughts won’t stop asking “what... Read more →

Antibiotics have serious consequences

More research shows the damage that antibiotics can cause. The drugs are powerful enough to kill all of the good bacteria in addition to the bad, and so should be used carefully.Here is an article from the Atlantic showing new research about how long the effects of antibiotics last: Antibiotics change the gut microbiome for up to a year "Clearly,” the study reads, “even a single antibiotic treatment in healthy individuals contributes to the risk of resistance development and leads to long-lasting detrimental shifts in the gut microbiome." Here is a short list of some of the most common reasons people are given antibiotics, and they are all treatable with homeopathy: diarrhea cough pneumonia flu diverticulitis ear infections Talk to your homeopath about how to use remedies, especially for issues that repeat year after year. Antibiotics have a place in medicine, and yet should not be used so frequently when... Read more →

Cold and Flu Season It’s that time again, daylight is getting shorter and the kids are back in school. The temperatures are starting to drop, and you can feel that Fall has arrived. Even in California the air smells like Fall, and there are leaves changing color and dropping to the ground. It’s also the signal for the onset of Cold and Flu season! With colder weather and kids spending time in daycare or school, the chances of being exposed to a bug are higher. Maintaining your Health Keeping yourself and your family healthy is something you can work towards. Simple tools that keep your immune system functioning well are: Make sure your entire family gets enough rest. It gives your body time to relax and build up strength to fight germs! It's often easier said than done, but it is so important for health. Wash your hands in hot... Read more →