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September 2015

Cold and Flu Season It’s that time again, daylight is getting shorter and the kids are back in school. The temperatures are starting to drop, and you can feel that Fall has arrived. Even in California the air smells like Fall, and there are leaves changing color and dropping to the ground. It’s also the signal for the onset of Cold and Flu season! With colder weather and kids spending time in daycare or school, the chances of being exposed to a bug are higher. Maintaining your Health Keeping yourself and your family healthy is something you can work towards. Simple tools that keep your immune system functioning well are: Make sure your entire family gets enough rest. It gives your body time to relax and build up strength to fight germs! It's often easier said than done, but it is so important for health. Wash your hands in hot... Read more →

Health management The most common pattern for health is to expect more symptoms, more diagnoses, and more medication as we age. This is what we are all led to expect. An issue will come up and a medical professional will tell us how we are. We are encouraged to make the most of where we are, by accepting whatever issues aging has brought us. Perhaps it’s chronic indigestion from stress, or insomnia, or something more severe. Doctors tell us what is wrong, and how to manage our symptoms. We are given prescriptions for each issue, and our daily regime of medication grows with time. The pattern is to be given a list of issues that match your symptoms and a prescription. The medication can remove the discomfort, but does it treat the underlying issue? Health care becomes symptom management No one talks about getting rid of medications, or overcoming chronic... Read more →