Unable to make it in person to the office? No problem.
My clients come from a wide variety of backgrounds- but one thing everyone has in common is a busy schedule. I realize that coming in to the office for an appointment isn't always easy to coordinate- not to mention the hassle of traffic, parking, or public transit. If you don't live in the Bay Area it might feel impossible to commute to Berkeley.
While I enjoy the connections made face-to-face, I've learned over time that the important interactions can be done digitally. The homeopathic interview involves deep listening and expression, and there's no reason this cannot be done using the internet. I have a deep preference for seeing a client's face while we interact, and this is easily done if you have access to a good internet connection and headphones.
I can easily make appointments using Skype, Google Hangouts, or Firefox Hello. I am available during afternoons, early evenings and weekends. If your schedule only permits a particular time slot, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate you.
Using digital tools removes the need to travel, and opens up the opportunity to meet regardless of which time zone you live in. If you feel comfortable using the technology, I'm willing to meet you there.
photo credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36613169@N00/2651565096 via Creative Commons 2.0